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Friday, January 21, 2011

Score 1 for Patience

FlamingGeyser 11_007 “So here’s another photographic technique they never talk about and that you can’t buy at your local camera store: patience.” David duChemin, Within the Frame

I’ve been thinking about patience lately, and when I read this the other day, I said out loud, “That is my problem”. I’ve never been a patient person, and that’s especially true for being patient with myself. Lately I’ve found myself impatient with my photography plans and goals.  Most of this impatience stems from elements that are out of my control: weather, work schedules, logistics, etc. This impatience ultimately leads to frustration, and I’ve found frustration leads to uninspiring photographs.

I have two units of shots I need to get, and they are all people shots.  Many of them require outside lighting conditions.  Lately, if the sun comes out, it comes out when I’m at work, stuck behind a counter until 9 PM.  My subjects are all busy people with obligations and families, so coordinating our free time is challenging. Finally, I’m trying to put a business plan together and a very unfortunate and not-at-all-controllable set of circumstances has kept my partner on the other side of the country for several months.

Yesterday I decided that without fail, I was going to jump in between rain showers prior to sunset and get some pictures of the cresting Green River. This desire had nothing to do with any of the things frustrating me (okay, a little about the weather). I just needed to take pictures, to remind myself why I love this, and that I can do this.

I drove down to the nearby state park, and was determined to give my mind and my frustrations a rest: to let the park guide me in what to photograph.  I can’t say I was as open to the place as I’d like to be, I never reached that Zen connection, so-to-speak.  I had to talk to myself, take a deep breath, “be patient, did you get what you need?” I started snapping away and felt that old impatience within myself resurface as quick as a shutter release.  I took a step back and told myself to find my subject. As I kept that in mind, the pictures began to take shape. 

Not all the shots turned out, I want to go back and have another go at the big entry bridge, the sky wasn’t as moody as I hoped, and the actual pictures of the river didn’t call to me the way I’d envisioned.  However, I did find this marshy area where the reeds were flooded and created a reflecting surface. There was this small waterfall framed by some downed trees.  It arrested my attention on my initial drive through, and it’s not likely to be there again once the flood waters abate.

I’m calling the day successful.  The main thing, that which was truly important, was after a long creative dry spell, I was outside shooting again.

Taken at Flaming Geyser State Park, Auburn, WA. January 21, 2011. Nikon D40 19 mm f/14 1/2.5 ISO 400

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  1. I really like this shot. The water on the wood is very powerful! It brings the color out so nicely. I used to live in Washington state so I understand the limited amount of ideal shooting days. Good for you! Stick with it. Very nice shot, I can feel the wetness by looking at the photo.

  2. Karen, thank you for your observations. Maybe because I live in such a perpetually wet place I didn't consider how soggy everything looked. I appreciate your attention to the details.
